
To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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From childhood to adulthood, all of us will go through maturation at some point in our lives. Some mature quicker than others, but it’s essential for daily lives as we all turn into adults, adulthood doesn’t refer as much to the age you are but how mature you have become throughout the years. To Kill A Mockingbird revolves around the finch family and the kids imagination and creative games dealing with a recluse known as “Boo Radley”. Atticus, the father, is a lawyer who takes on a case of a black man, with racism being a huge part in Maycomb County in the 1930’s, but he still fights for him, out of the kindness of his heart since he believes in helping the man get what he truly deserves. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee characterizes Jem as a child who matures from a young boy to a thoughtful young man.

The Boo Radley Game is just a fun game that Scout, Dill and Jem all enjoy playing, they try their best to communicate with the recluse by trying many different techniques. One night the kids attempt got them in a lot more trouble than they could’ve imagined, while trying to get a peek into the Radley house, they were caught by Mr. Radley, he started shooting in their direction thinking it was a negro trying to steal from him. Soon resolved as Miss. Maudie's house catches fire and Scout gets a mysterious blanket wrapped around her as her and Jem wait outside the Radley’s house. Later finding out that the blanket was from Boo, “ Jem seemed to have lost his mind.

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