
To Kill A Mockingbird Banned

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To Kill A Mockingbird came out in 1960, during the heat of the civil rights movement. All across America there was a wide variety of responses to the book. In the North, the responses to the book were a lot more positive to those of the South. The South felt like it was portrayed very evilly by the book, and that its treatment of people of color was blown out of proportion, when in reality that was exactly how the South treated people of color. In the South, the book has been banned far and wide. I am against banning books, but it is understandable why the South banned it because of how the South is portrayed. The South's response showed us several things. First, To Kill A Mockingbird is a book of high quality as it can generate such a reaction …show more content…

Though To Kill A Mockingbird is an excellent book, it still has its flaws. Many critics of the book, claim it is too episodic, and I have to agree with them to a point. I did not think it was as bad as the critics claimed, but I could still see where they were coming from. I noticed it the most when the fire happened at Miss Maudie’s house, and the fire itself was only brought back up once. Scout talked about the fire because Boo Radley brought her the blanket. Otherwise, the fire would have been completely forgotten. The episodic feel is lessened in the second half of the book because it is so focused on the trial, so there is not a point that is forgotten in the second half. I also did not like after the trial because the trial had such a buildup to it, then the trial happened, and once again there was, even more, build up to where Bob tried to murder Scout and Jem. Though I did feel the build up was necessary, I do not feel like the pageant needed to be such a big part of the climax of the book. It almost took away from the suspense that Harper Lee had been creating after the trial. For me, the pageant did not need to be such a long part of the ending, I felt that the author could have mentioned that it happened, and then had the attack. The ending seemed to drag on for longer than was

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