
To Kill A Mockingbird Calpurnia Quotes

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Calpurnia's one of the major characters in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird written in 1960. Calpurnia is a black woman who works for Atticus Finch taking care of his two children Jem and Scout. In the book Calpurnia is a nurturing figure in the kids lives, although sometimes tough she is very wise and tries to teach the kids good values. Calpurnia is nurturing because she is like a mother to Jem and Scout and she has a protective motherly instinct on the kids. She tells scout, "Baby… I just can't help it if Mr. Jem is growing up… so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome. Will find lots of things to do in here." (154). This shows that Calpurnia is not only their housekeeper but she is also like a mother to Scout and Jem. During a conversation between Atticus and Alexandra, Atticus tells Alexandra "If anything she's been harder on them than a mother …show more content…

When Cal took the kids to church with her scout asked why she was "talking nigger," when she knew it wasn't right. Cal said to her "It's not necessary to tell all you're not going to change any of them by talking right, they got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language." (167) This quote says that Cal knows better than to make people feel different by showing off that she can "talk properly". Cal is wise because she knows better than a lot of people, she chooses to look past the color of your skin and treat all people with equal respect. "You ain't got no business bringing white chillun here – they got their church we got ours… They's my comp'ny… It's the same God, ain't it?" (158) It is clear that Cal has good values which make her wise because she looks past the things everyone is focused on and knows what is

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