
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 7 Analysis

Decent Essays

The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee is a very interesting novel. This book is mainly about this little hyper, curious, very energetic, girl name Scout Finch. Throughout the novel she was narrating her own story. In the novel it allowed us to see the path Scout went through back then when racism was a huge problem, coming to age, and living in a cruel world. Even though she had many event thrown at her she still stays as energetic as she is. These are some questions that were important to her in chapter 7 to 10.

Firstly, in chapter 7 The kids Jem and Dill finds a knothole in a tree. In the knothole there were treasures hidden in it. The question is, What new treasures do the children find in the knothole? Who does Scout think has been leaving the treasures? The treasures the kids find in the knothole was coins, full pack of gum, twine, spelling medal, pocket watch, and something carved into soap. These treasures weren’t all there at once through, which time pasts by more treasure was added into the tree. While inspecting each treasures that was added. Scout had thought that Ms. Mandaue are the one leaving all these treasures, but the kids soon find out the Boo Radley was the one planting these strange treasures. Also in chapter 7, The next day the kids see Mr. Nathan Radley covering up the knot hole …show more content…

She started that mockingbirds only make music for people to enjoy, and they don’t do any harm to us so why would we harm them? They provide calm and love music to humans, so when you kills them, it’s like killing a baby.

In conclusion, The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee is mainly about a little girl name Scout Finch. Her journey on to coming of age and the conflicts she's been through with community and family. But mainly this essay was mostly about the events and answering question that happened throughout chapter

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