
To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis

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A child’s character is persuasively formed around their upbringing in their family and society; therefor, if a child is raised in an environment where x is false and y is true, they are bound to keep those opinions for life. Most often, views and perspectives don’t change, which is why it is crucial in To Kill a Mockingbird that Atticus Finch teaches his two white children, Jem and Scout, his life values before their small southern towns influences them first. With white supremacy, town rumors, and their father defending a black man put up on trial, Jem and Scout’s young minds can only comprehend so much of what is happening around them. Harper Lee strategizes the events in To Kill a Mockingbird in order for Atticus to teach his children about respecting others no matter their race or history, being empathetic to all others, and staying determined when all seems hopeless, Atticus Finch, no matter the scenario, is always respectful to everyone. Mrs. Dubose, a mean, old lady had continuously hollered nasty things at Atticus as he walks by her house. Yet, every day Atticus will respond “Good evening, Mrs. Dubose! You look like a picture this evening” (Lee 133). Even though Mrs. Dubose never had one positive comment about Atticus, he would never snap back at her or say a rude comment, instead he just be kind. Unlike Atticus, Scout, being young and childish, struggled with being well mannered towards others. Once when Jem, who was more mature than Scout, invited Walter

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