
To Kill A Mockingbird Conflict Essay

Decent Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird

Would you kill a mockingbird if you had the chance? In the book To Kill a Mockingbird published 1960 by author, Nelle Harper Lee. Who was born April 28, 1926 Monroeville, Alabama. The story tells events that happened in a small town called Maycomb in Alabama from a younger and older age child’s point of view, Jean Louise Finch in other words “scout”. Who talks about the book explaining how her city/county is not only races but uncommon than others but the same also. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses conflict and imagery to express the theme of moral courage throughout the novel to help the reader understand and relate to it.
Harper Lee uses conflict to express the theme of moral courage, because …show more content…

For example, when the dad of the (girl/narrator) scout named Atticus took Tom Robinson’s case. He took a case in whereas he had to defend a black man. He knew Tom was going to have a hard time winning because in this time, a white mans word is always greater than a blacks mans. But instead Atticus knew Mr. Robinson was innocent so he tried to do his best to help this case become a success. He said,” Before I'm through, I intend to jar the jury a bit-I think we'll have a reasonable chance on appeal, though. I really can't tell at this stage, Jack. You know, I'd hoped to get through life without a case of this kind, but John Taylor pointed at me and said,’You're it.”(Pg.117)This supports the topic because it shows how Atticus didn’t want the case but he had to take it and that anyone else would of took it would've just let Tom Robinson die. That took courage for Atticus to do something that no one else wouldn’t do. Through the conflict of man versus society versus conscience. Another example would be, Ms Dubose’s addiction. She was a morphine addict. But she tried to stop doing what she was doing by taking meds. During the book scout’s brother

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