
To Kill A Mockingbird Perspective Analysis

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Throughout the chronicle of history, humans tend to perceive the world from a single vantage point and assume that others share the same perspective. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout, a naive girl, endures the process of maturing, which is accompanied by learning the importance of understanding perspective. Throughout Scout’s journey, she learns about the significance of taking other people’s perspectives into consideration and eventually realizes how understanding different outlooks on a situation can affect the complexity and depth of its overall comprehension. Lee’s novel discusses the value of perspective and reveals how humans often know one side of a story, but must learn the other perspectives of the story to fully …show more content…

Consequently, Scout realizes that “what Mr. Radley did was his own business… if he wanted to stay inside his own house he had the right to stay inside free from the attentions of inquisitive children, which was a mild term for the likes of [Jem, Dill, and herself]” (65). Scout proceeds to perceive the situation from Boo Radley’s point of view by wondering how Jem, Dill, and herself “would like it if Atticus barged in on [them] without knocking, when [they] were in [their] rooms at night” (65). Their reaction to the same situation as Boo Radley is in, but in a different context, would predictably be hostile, therefore they can predict that from his perspective, he would be disgruntled as well. Lee uses this example to demonstrate the importance of how different s change the circumstances of a situation. Additionally, another instance where the novel refers back to the theme of perspective occurs when Scout is standing on Boo Radley’s porch after accompanying him back to his residence. Scout turns to go back home, but the view of the neighborhood that she sees while “standing on the Radley porch was enough” for Scout to finally see the world from Boo Radley’s perspective, both literally and figuratively, and finally understands what Atticus meant

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