
To Kill A Mockingbird Pride And Prejudice Quotes

Satisfactory Essays

I. Conflict
a. Walter Hartright meets the woman in white (Anne Catherick).
i. They met each other on their way to London, then Anne calls a fly, and two men come after she leaves and asks another man on the street if they had seen a woman in all white, because she escaped from the asylum. ii. Anne Catherick sends an anonymous letter to Limmeredge house, which warns the family about Sir Percival marrying Laura.
b. Sir Percival marries Laura Fairlie.
i. Even after she told him that she would rather not marry him, he objects and marries her anyway. ii. Laura loves Walter and he loves her back more than Sir Percival does.
II. Rising Action
i. ii. b.
III. Climax
a. Walter is surprised when reunited with Laura after he heard of her “death.” …show more content…

Walter figures out that Sir Percival isn’t actually a baronet, due to his parents’ rank.
i. Walter has proof of Sir Percival’s rank according to the marriage registry at the church in Old Welmingham. ii. Sir Percival was desperate to do anything he could to destroy that book, therefore he tries to burn down the church with it, to make it look like an accident, but ends up stuck in there to die.
IV. Falling Action
a. Count Fosco and Pesca meet eye to eye at the opera.
i. Count Fosco realizes who Pesca was immediately and The Count was completely shocked as he ran out of the opera. ii. Walter forces Pesca to try to remember his past before, and tells Walter that he used to be in a secret government, was recently moved up to a rank that over looks a group of members, the Count must have done something bad, because when someone in the group goes against the government, they are to be killed
b. Count Fosco holds Walter Hartright hostage.
i. Count Fosco almost kills Walter until he agreed to do with Count Fosco ii. Count Fosco flees the country and is later killed in Paris.
V. Resolution
a. Walter Hartright marries Laura after all.
i. Mr. Fairlie dies and Mr. Hartright is declared the heir of the Limmeredge

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