
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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What exactly is power? Is it being able to control someone or simply being able to have everything under control. In To Kill A Mockingbird we will see different perspectives on things and on situations. For example, would you believe a colored man or a white woman. Is Mayella powerless because of her class and gender or is she powerful because of her race? However Mayella does lack a lot of power because of her class. “Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump....Its windows were merely open spaces in the walls….What passed for a fence was bits of tree-limbs, broomsticks and tool shafts….Enclosed by a dirty yard” this quote from the book explains that the Ewells were not very rich. They barely had a house and they weren’t in a wealthy situation. “Mayella Ewell must have been the loneliest person in the world...White people wouldn't have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs..” This explains that she really was poor and everyone saw her as a poor white woman. Mayella says “long’s he keep on callin’ me ma’am and sayin’ Miss Mayella. I don't hafta take his sass..” this shows that Mayella don't get that kind of respect so when Atticus says that to her she gets offended. …show more content…

“ He says you goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya’.” The quote shows how mayella’s dad doesn't even have respect for his own daughter. “ Is he good to you... ‘He is tollable…” This means her dad is not always good to her, that he may have bad almost terrible days. “ She says she never kissed a grown man before… She says what her papa do to her don't count..” In this quote it might be short but it does mean a lot. It indicates that her dad does horrible things to her and she has to live with that and she has to live with him. How terrible would it be to live with someone who mistreats you and disrespects you. It must be pretty hard for Mayella to admit this too. In the three quotes it shows how mayella lacks power because of her

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