
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe once said, “courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success.” This quote means that no ordinary person can be known to be courageous. It takes someone who will stand by what they say no matter what the circumstances are and how they may be looked at in society. A courageous person doesn't have to always succeed, but put in the effort to try and prove their point in any way possible. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Lee mentions many courageous people whose actions speak louder than their words. Three courageous characters that can be found in this coming of age book are Aticus Finch, Ms. Dubose, and Link Deas. People may ask, why are these three characters courageous? The reasons …show more content…

Dubose always states her opinion, and Link Deas has the courage to help a black woman who has lost complete hope in life. Although these characters may sound very different, they are all courageous in their own special way. Atticus Finch is a calm, eventemperd, and a man with a good heart. Finch had the bravery to take on a case that no other man would have taken. This was defending Tom Robinson in court. Tom was a black man, and it was unheard of to stink by a black man's side for committing a crime against a white woman. The crime that Tom had allegedly committed was raping Mayella Ewell. Black men that were accused of rape were never trusted, but Atticus took the time to trust this man and was so convincing that this man was innocent that the jury stayed hours debating whether or not this man was innocent. Sadly, in the end Tom Robinson pleaded guilty. Another way Atticus shows a way of courage is by being respectful to Mayella Ewell, the woman who accused Tom of raping her, in court. Atticus constantly called her ma’am and Miss Mayella, yet he had very little tolerance to how she was accusing an innocent man of such a hateful crime. The last way Atticus is such a courageous man is how he can stay cool headed. Mr. Ewell had the nerve to stop

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