
To Kill A Mockingbird Reflection

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When people are young they see things very differently than adults see things. Their way of seeing the world is from a child’s point of view, which changed as they progressed further in life. Scout is like this in many ways. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is about a young girl named Scout Finch who grew up in the 1930s. Scout lives in Maycomb County with her father, Atticus, and her brother Jem. In the beginning, Jem, Scout, and their friend Dill their neighbor Boo Radley out of his house. Atticus is a lawyer, and at around the time Scout was eight, he took on a case that required him to defend a black man that was charged with rape. This was not a very popular thing to do and Jem, Scout, and Atticus were made fun of for it. When the case was decided, the black man was sent to prison (even though he was innocent), where he tried to escape, and was killed in the process. The father of the women that was supposedly raped, Mr. Ewell, threatened Atticus for defending the black man, and making him look a fool on the stand. One night, Mr. Ewell attacked Jem and Scout, and he broke Jem arm. Mr. Ewell killed himself after Boo Radley saved Jem and Scout from him. As one reads To Kill a Mockingbird, the maturation of Scout can be seen in the following ways; Scout’s image of Boo Radley, her image of black people and the way they live, and how she comes to respect adults.

Looking at the maturation of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the ways she matures is in how she views

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