
To What Extent Did The Cuban Revolution In 1959 Mark A Turning Point Essay

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To what extent did the Cuban Revolution in 1959 mark a turning point in the US-Latin America relations?
Up until the 20th century, America had only attained a notable relationship between Cuba and Mexico, any other relationship between other Latin American countries was due to small levels of trade. The majority of Latin-American countries were colonies of the Spanish Empire except Brazil which was ruled by the Portuguese Empire. Between 1808 and 1826, all of the colonies; excluding Cuba and Puerto Rico, gained their independence from their European powers that had controlled them for the previous three centuries. The causes for many of the battles of Independence were due to long-term increase in tensions and radical reforms …show more content…

The Platt Amendment is, so to speak, the keystone in the arch of Cuban relations with the United States. It is either a guarantee of Cuban independence, sovereignty and freedom, or it is merely a bond of Cuban servitude to the United States and a threat to Cuban institutions and to self-government in Cuba.[footnoteRef:2] In a letter created in 1901 and by the author of the amendment, Mr. Root, the Secretary of War to the Cuban Military Governor, Major-General Leonard Wood, Root states, [1: J. Foran, ‘Cuba: Interpreting a Half Century of Revolution and Resistance, theorizing the Cuban Revolution’, Latin American Perspectives, Vol XXXVI, (2009) p. 18.] [2: P. Capo-Rodriguez, ‘The Platt Amendment’, The American Journal of International Law, Vol XVII, (1923) p. 761]

“…The United States has, and will always have, the most vital interest in the preservation of the independence which she has secured for Cuba, and in preserving the people of that island from the domination and control of any foreign power whatsoever…”[footnoteRef:3]. [3: Ibid. pgs. 762-3.]

Thus illustrating how the main priority for the American Congress regarding Cuba was to ensure and maintain their independence which if needed be, would be protected by American military force.
“…insuring peace and tranquillity and the security of its citizens as well

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