
To What Extent Did The South Kill Reconstruction?

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To What Extent did the South Kill Reconstruction? Reconstruction was a time of great change for the now-unified United States. It started in 1865, coinciding with the Union win of the Civil War. Reconstruction is defined as ‘the process by which the states that had seceded were reorganized as part of the Union after the Civil War.” This means that the Northern states were given the task of trying to decide what to do with the states that left the Union before the war. Deciding what to do with these states sparked lots of debate. So much debate that it split the northern population into different groups. Radical Republicans fought for the rights of freedmen and believed that South should pay for the damage they caused. The Radicals were not interested in taking the South back with open arms. One of the Radicals’ proposed laws was to take large chunks of ex-confederate land and sharing it with freed slaves and non-wealthy whites. With that being said, the majority of the Northern population were Moderate in their stance on Reconstructing. Moderates were not for the distributing of land to African-Americans in the South because they believed that blacks would get complacent and not want to contribute to the economy in their various states. They thought that blacks would eventually become socially equal to whites given time. Moderates assumed that going strongly against what the Southern Majority wants would hinder the Reconstruction of the U.S. The Confederate ideals were

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