
To What Extent Do Romeo And Juliet Interact With Their Parents

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Juliet interacts with her parents more than Romeo does with his. I’m sure their parents are confused on why they don’t spend time with them when they're parents. Through the play Romeo and his parents interact, therefore we see how his parents feel about him. Lady and Lord Montague ask Benvolio why Romeo has acted so depressed. They ask Benvolio if he could find out what's wrong with Romeo, so they could help him.

This shows that they are concerned about Romeo, But they are concerned about him from a distance, they get Benvolio to see what's wrong with Romeo because they believe that Romeo would not come to them. Both Lord and Lady Montague were sad to find out that their son was exiled from Verona. Even though in the play Romeo and his parents don’t …show more content…

These are some of the same things that teens today do, they talk themselves out of a tough situation by misleading the person they're talking to into believing something that isn’t true. The way teens talk to their parents, Juliet and Romeo talk to their parents the same way because there can be many interpretations of what is being said. Some of the decisions they make are some of the same mistakes teens make not thinking things through all the way. When Tybalt killed Mercutio Romeo ran after seeking revenge he wasn’t thinking about the consequences of the action he was committing.

Romeo ended up killing Tybalt, and then he was banished after that. This action forced Romeo to have to leave his beloved Juliet. Teens today do the same things that Romeo and Juliet do, not thinking it all the way through and then have to face the consequences. Romeo and Juliet also care about their pride which is what makes them commit the acts that they do. Because if they get challenged to something their not going back down because if they do the challenge their pride would go

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