
Tobacco Industry

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What non-health related arguments did the tobacco industry use to oppose the smoking restrictions?
In 1985, many efforts started to raise commissary tobacco prices, the US Navy goal to become smoke-free by 2000, and to have healthy military forces, this led to the development of opposition.
The tobacco industries used many arguments and strategies to prevent implementation of restricting smoking policy among militaries, restricting smoking is a kind of discrimination between smokers and non-smokers, restriction of personal freedom, and the smokers have a right to use tobacco (Offen, 2011).
Will Cofer long-term tobacco industry ally argued that Roosevelt policy prohibiting sales will lead to selling cigarettes between ships by creating a black market within the Navy.
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Strategies lawmakers used to oppose to the smoking restrictions use?
Tobacco industries used many strategies to oppose the smoking restriction policies, the tobacco industry made pressure on the Congress to do not increase the tobacco prices in the military stores, and to do not apply stronger tobacco control policies. All trials to restrict tobacco use among military failed due to the effects of tobacco industries on Congress (Offen, 2011).
Another strategy, the tobacco institute members agreed with the military that made the military did not support tobacco-free policies in their places. The tobacco industries were funding the political parties, many congress members got many from tobacco industries (WHO, 2000).
One of the strategies was providing a place to smoke on the ships to prevent second-hand smoke.
How would you apply the lessons learned from this article to overcome political obstacles to another health initiative such as those dealing with obesity, climate change, HIV or other public health

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