
Toddlers And Tiaras Essay

Decent Essays

There is nothing wrong with little girls wearing cute pink dresses and walking down a stage to perform a few adorable stunts or tricks. However, there is everything wrong when these actions could potentially lead to long term damages in young girls. And therein lies the problem with child beauty pageants, they have the potential to create long term issues for the many of the female children who are asked to participate in them. This is the stance that “Toddlers and Tiaras” takes regarding the issue of child beauty pageants; the author of the article, Skip Hollandsworth, asserts that “many psychologists believe that developmental and emotional problems can stem from pressure and value system that pageants embody” (493). Hollandsworth in her …show more content…

Stephanie Hanes in her article “Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect” explains that age compression is “the phenomenon of younger children adopting patterns once reserved for older youths” (487). Pageants used to be something reserved only for older teenage girls or young adult women, not children. However, this is no longer the case, for now even girls fresh out of their mother’s wombs are tasked with participating in them. The reason being is that society is now more accepting and even encouraging children to grow up and in essence become “little adults.” And while some may believe these pageants are all fun and games and causes no true harm in the long run, reality paints a different picture on the matter. For this is what is actually happening, society and beauty pageants are telling girls that they need to start acting more like women at younger ages, with such acts being wearing make-up or bras. They are being taught that the most important thing for a girl to do in this patriarchal society is to be pretty for your “Prince Charming.” This is furthered discussed in “Toddlers and Tiaras,” where it claims that it is troubling when girls are …show more content…

“Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect” notes that girls are being conditioned to accept gender norms at an early age be it by “toys, clothing, and play activities” (Hanes 487). Pageants being one of these so called play activities. Young girls are being influenced by these pageants to accept certain stereotypes that are associated with women in general. They are being taught at these events that pink is a girl color, girls should stick to dresses, and that women should be pretty are all harmful byproducts of this industry that doesn’t seem to realize the dangers it is creating. And while some might assume that this type of thinking is not something of concern and “girls will be girls,” the truth is that it is of a grave concern. For these gender stereotypes confer back to a period of time when women were expected to subservient towards men, women were expected to look pretty and act nice, all in the hopes of attracting attention for the sake of someone, usually men. This exactly what these child beauty pageants teach, that girls should act, look, and feel pretty for the sake of validation. Usually the validation is asked from men, but it can also be from other women. Regardless, the end goal is still the same troubling one, child beauty pageants instill in girls with the belief that a women’s value is

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