
Tom Brennan Analysis

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The novel ’The Story of Tom Brennan’ by J.C. Burke, focuses on a devastating car accident in a small town, caused by one character who was drink driving. This one event has an extreme effect on a family, who struggle to come to grips with the situation. Tom and Kylie struggle to begin their new life at their Gran’s place in Coghill, after moving there from their home in the small town of Mumbilli. In Coghill, Tom and Kylie also start at St. Benedict's where they react so differently to the same scenario. The author J.C. Burke used emotive and descriptive dialogue, first person narration and symbolism to demonstrate just how differently people can react to the same situation.
Burke uses various techniques such as descriptive and emotive dialogue and first person narration to portray just how differently Tom and Kylie react to their family’s move from Mumbilli to Coghill. The Brennan family left their home in the dead of night, and moved to Coghill, to escape the pressure and anger that they faced from the small community in Mumbilli. After Daniel’s accident and sentence, the house was no longer a safe place for the family, especially for the children Tom and Kylie. Even though the children were faced with grave danger in Mumbilli, the place was still somewhere they loved and enjoyed. This is what made the move to Coghill difficult for the children. Tom especially struggles with the situation, as he is distraught and depressed after the accident. The move makes this even

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