
Tom Robinson Misunderstood In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Imagine being treated with no dignity. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee creates a town where people judge each other harshly. Boo Radley is an example of a person who was misunderstood as an evil, frightening man because of rumors that he killed his father. The character, Tom Robinson was also judged as being a criminal based on false interpretations made about him. In addition, Raymond Dolphus, a wealthy white man, pretends to be a drunk so that the citizens of Maycomb will have an explanation for his odd behavior. The way that these characters were treated, relates to the ideas portrayed in the article, Racial Microaggression in Everyday Life. Therefore, false judgements are displayed through the characters, Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, and Raymond Dolphus. To begin with, a character that was misjudged was Tom Robinson because the judgments made about him determined the fate he will face. In the article titled, Racial Microaggression in Everyday Life, Sue explains that, “ A person of color is presumed to be dangerous, criminal, or deviant on the basis of their race”( Sue et al. 276). Due their race, people is being pre-judged as being dangerous or harmful which implies the idea …show more content…

Harper Lee depicts Tom Robinson to represent people that are misunderstood due to their race, therefore displaying the fact that misjudgments will lead to a change of someone’s life. Additionally, Boo Radley was misinterpreted by Scout when she felt that she was in a safe environment where it was acceptable to make assumptions about people. In that case, demonstrating the fact the one’s position in society can be negatively affected when rumors are created. Even though judging people can sometimes lead to positive outcomes, there are still situations where one is misconceived. As a result, when one has not fully understand the truth, judgments should not be

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