
Tom Robinson Trial Essay

Decent Essays

I believe that Atticus did the proper thing by defending Tom Robinson during the trial. Though it was controversial throughout Maycomb County, he served as an exceptional example for his children by accepting the case and genuinely defending a black man. There were many downsides when Atticus agreed to take the case appointed to him. Initially, his reputation and social status took a blow from this incident. This lead to backlash and insults from people across the community. The Finchs' had one of the highest social statuses in the town, for Atticus had a suitable job with a reputable name. (Lee PAGE) When word about this incident spread, many people disapproved. This was evident when many of Scout's classmates taunted her about her father being "a nigger lover", which they unmistakably picked up from their parents. (Lee PAGE) Atticus' family members were not too pleased with this decision as well. In the text, Francis repeats what his grandmother said, saying "[Atticus] ruinin‘ the family, that’s what he’s doin’". (Lee PAGE) Additionally, Mrs. Dubose had several degrading comments to say about the …show more content…

Atticus' argument for Tom Robinson was perfectly executed, and it was blatantly obvious that Tom was innocent. Even if the jury (pre) decided Tom Robinson as guilty, the partiality and discrimination were evident in the trial. The text state, "Atticus Finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And I thought to myself, well, we’re making a step—it’s just a baby- step, but it’s a step.”" Like Miss Maudie said, Atticus' eloquence and strong arguments created a ripple in the stone-hard racism in County. In conclusion, I gather that Atticus did the correct thing by defending Tom Robinson. His actions allowed him to successfully raise his children morally and possibly change the outcome of Maycomb's future, even if it caused

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