
Tom Sawyer Character Analysis

Decent Essays

NOTE: My “significant quote” is bolded.
With the arrival of Tom Sawyer at the end of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story significantly changes in tone, pacing and Huck’s character development, taking a sharp turn from a serious story to a campy comedy. Tom Sawyer is Huck’s best friend from before he runs away, and when the two boys reunite, the story begins to reflect that- instead of focusing on developing bonds and relationships, like it was with Jim, it plays off one that’s already there. For readers in our class who most likely haven’t read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, this interruption of Tom’s character and the change in mood is extremely jarring. When Jim is introduced as a character, he is carefully designed to be a foil for Huck, a parent in some regards, a partner in others, a believer to a skeptic and an anchor to a wild spirit. Tom’s character is not designed to play into the story of Huck Finn- he does not balance out Huck’s character, and thus, the story’s tone begins to take a very informal and goofy vibe. Tom’s character is eccentric and over the top, and the story begins to take way more time than necessary explaining unconventional and unnecessary plans for comedic effect. No longer is Jim’s safety and his own goals and character a focus of the story, like it was on the raft- instead it is a goal, a point of comedy to thrust forwards Huck and Tom’s antics. Prior in the story, Tom’s intelligence despite his lack of education is shown when he

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