
Tones In The Cask Of Amontillado

Decent Essays

In the cask of amontillado the author Edgar Allan Poe uses a number of tones to address his main idea which is revenge. The following tones are relevant this context. He uses irony when Montresor is putting the bricks to cover the wall and fortunate tells him “let us be gone “its ironical that Fortunato thought he was putting all those bricks in place just to remove them again. Montresor’s reply “yes let’s be gone” is even more ironical when he says that and puts the last brick .He uses horror when Montresor describes the bones and smell of human remain. The writer also uses a sarcastic tone in his description for example when he jokes about how he gets his helpers out of his house .one can say that his sinister character brings life to the story since it is somewhat funny until a reader gets to the part where he gets completely out …show more content…

The writer Poe is known for writing articles that leave a piece of the puzzle out for the readers to find out. I am compelled to think that Montresor is making all these up and he actually never killed Fortunato this whole story can be said to be a wild imagination on Motresor’s side. This is because Montresor braggadocio sounds shadily names on the other hand appear to be rhythmical the writer Poe is known for his poetical works and this takes shape in the writing of this story.
Efficiency of the use of imagery; Imagery has been used all through the story the following are examples of where imagery was used “Its walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris" . Poe vividly describes the catacombs and helps one form a mental picture of what the look like on the inside. He also says "The wine sparkled in his eyes” as one is reading they can help but form mental pictures of the sparkling wine.
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