
Torture is Unconstitutional

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Torture is a hugely controversial subject in our society today. Torture is defined as an intentional use of pain or abuse to gain an advantage over an individual. According to TheWeeklyStandard, torture is applied to prisoners or detained person to obtain admission of crime or to simply impose pain and suffering as a punishment (Krauthammer). Torture is also used to get information from the suspects by hurting them physically, mentally and emotionally. However, many argue that torture is against human rights and can defeat its purpose. Torture is cruel and inhumane, it can cause more damage to the situation, and it is unconstitutional. People argued that torture can be useful to gain information on criminals or terrorists that could be …show more content…

The best argument is that torture is cruel and inhumane for it decreases human ethicals. Torture encompasses variety of methods include severe beatings, electric shock, solitary confinement, sex and abuse, etc. Torture treats the victim as a means to an end an investigation and not to execute. It treats the victim as a 'thing', not as a person with all the value that we associate with persons. Torturers dehumanize their victims to make it easier to torture them. It uses the physical body of the victim not as a component part of a person of value, but as a tool to achieve the aims of the torturer (Why is Torture Wrong).
Furthermore, it can cause more damage to the situation because the family or country of the torture’s victim will then seek justice to revenge such as terrorism. According to Huffington Post, torture is abhorrent, un-American, and wrong. As President Obama properly noted back in May 2009, torture also undermines the rule of law, compromises our image abroad, puts our own troops at risk, and helps terrorists recruit (Zelinksy). Torture makes individuals less likely to surrender to U.S. troops because they fear inhumane treatment. It makes others more likely to mistreat our troops because, they argue, they're only following the U.S. example. Torturing also makes it easier for terrorists to recruit because we lose the moral high ground. In 2004 al-Qaeda beheaded an American soldier Nick Berg in retaliation of the

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