
Total Recall essay (PHIL 1003)

Decent Essays

Fact or Fiction?
Total Recall Paper
PHIL 2003-013

Usually at least once in a lifetime a person will question whether a dream was reality or not. It is rare to think “I am just dreaming” in a dream. In the 1990s movie Total Recall the director, Paul Verhoeven, attempts to illustrate the puzzling question of “what is reality and what is not?” With Arnold Schwarzenegger in this futuristic flick, the director cleverly confuses the audience about what is “real” in the movie, making one doubt each previous scene. Total Recall begins with the main character, Douglas Quaid, on a mission to decipher a reoccurring dream that takes place in Mars. His curiosity and frustrations take him to ReKall Inc. who has a specialty in a very …show more content…

His belief in God even affected his theories on reality. One of his theories was that he was being deceived by a conniving and mischievous demon that was hell-bent on distorting his reality. The demon could be comparable to the evil dictator and the memory replacing machine in Total Recall. Despite the evil demon, Descartes did manage to reveal one very true thing and that is that he must exist if he truly is being deceived by the evil demon because he needs to exist in order to be deceived. He later summarizes this into his famous phrase “I think, therefore, I am.”(Descartes 136). The second philosopher that analyses the problem of what is reality and what is not in the Introduction to Philosophy textbook is Christopher Grau. Grau, in his essay, expands on Descartes idea of the “evil demon” by basing it off of The Matrix with his theory, The Brain in a Vat Theory. The theory is just like it sounds. Just like in Total Recall, an extremely intelligent device has the ability to give humans and gives them a false reality of a life. What Grau is purposing is that we, as people, could quite possibly be hooked up to a super computer and given false memories and experiences as well. In conclusion, Total Recall is a

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