
Tradition In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

Satisfactory Essays

In the story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson I think the point of the Lottery is because it’s tradition. The book “The Lottery” is about a small town that has a raffle every June 27. When This Raffle someone from 1 of the family’s that have entered gets stoned to death. My first piece of evidence about that this is a tradition is it happens every June 27(l. First, Each man of the family draws one of the slips. When this is done all the men keep the slips in there hand folded so they can’t see who has the dot. In the story “The Lottery” A man named Bill Hutchinson had grabbed the slip with the black dot on it. (l.301 to 304)
My second piece of evidence is the slips. When the man of the family got the black dot they stir up the papers in

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