
Traditional Definitions Of Status Include

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Barbara DeVivo Paper Outline ASOC549: Dr. Wagner November 11, 2015 Introduction Definition of Status Traditional definitions of status include ?a position in a social system? (Linton, 1936) and ?a position of value or worth in the community communicated through the cultural symbolism of one?s possessions and consumption? (Veblen, 1953). Today we expand on these earlier definitions. Status now describes differentiating relationships among actors within an interactional hierarchy. Inequalities derive from actors? imbedded appraisals of themselves compared to others, based on society?s shared understanding of value. Status is determined by cultural symbols of worth: income, gender, race, occupation, education, housing, attractiveness, and age. Status is Relational. Status is relational. It is based on the comparison of two or more actors in relation to their possession of cultural status symbols. One actor can be of higher or lower status when compared to another actor on the basis of their possession of key status characteristics. Status is Influential. In order to understand social order or behavior, particularly in a group, one must understand status structures. These structures are how groups of individuals shape their conduct and make shared decisions. Status is influential within a hierarchy. Those with high prestige and status have the power to influence people of lower status. This position gives the actor greater access to resources within an organization. As a

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