
Trainspotting By Irvin Welsh: Character Analysis

Good Essays

By the 25th I had enough of an initial idea for me to have completed and sent my proposal. I found choosing a title for my project very difficult. Not just a title of the artefact but of the project as a whole. I evaluated my brief plot notes I wrote the previous week and have actually decided I want to focus more on the side of character development more than on what makes a thriller novel, both to question why the character is the way they are but also in an attempt to make them relatable and even likable to the reader. I will do this be evaluating the idea behind the plot element of their head injury. I remember reading somewhere about Phineas Gage whose personality changed dramatically after a head injury but need to look at the extent …show more content…

This was an interesting book to read due to its very unconventional layout as well as the dialogue style with accents heavily spelt out on the pages making it often difficult to work out straight away without context who is talking. As I am only a beginner at novel writing I feel that such techniques if incorporated in my own works would detract rather than enhance but still it was very useful to study the dialogue At this point I feel I will base the inspiration of the dialogue more off Filth; a book by the same author. Both books also offer inspiration into writing from the first person and the present tense, two things I have never before attempted, and thus I believe the reading of these books was very helpful and I shall certainly cite them as inspiration when I come to write my lit review. Later in the week, Having a basic idea of the plotline already in my mind I decided to start writing. However I did not begin by writing from the start of the story, I just wrote a passage that I am not even sure yet if I will include. It describes the scene in where the main character is drunk at a bar with a very negative mindset. I spent a short amount of time thinking of possible settings. Without including the rest of the novel I wrote basic plot ideas for situations she would face whilst working as a waitress in a strip club. In addition to this I began thinking up the other characters she would face in this particular environment. I thought up the ideas of a power struggle in this location and decided on the personalities for the various protagonists and antagonists she would face. I did simply as an attempt to get my mindset into both the setting and the behaviour of the main character. I had no set direction and just wrote it quickly. As well as Filth, this has also been inspired by the book Of Mice and Men in both the style of dialogue and also the poetic language techniques. Although

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