
Transcendentalism In Henry David Thoreau

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The Transcendentalism in Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau once said, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Transcendentalists were often less concerned with what they saw in front of them, and more concerned on what it meant. Transcendentalism is certainly about forgetting the literal meaning of things and taking into account the divinity of them. Thoreau’s impression of this genre shows up regularly in his works. Henry David Thoreau’s independence and time with Emerson strengthened his as a transcendentalist as shown in Walden and “A Winter’s Walk.”
Henry David Thoreau was a major figure in the transcendentalist movement. He was born in Concord, Massachusetts on July 12, 1817 (“Henry David Thoreau” Richard J. Schneider’s article, “Thoreau's Life” reveals that he went to public school in Concord, then attended Concord Academy. Thoreau was somewhat different than other children in Concord. “As a child he rarely followed the rules and was independent and strong-willed” (Brozo, et al. 377). Being independent as a child shows up very clearly in Thoreau’s adult life. Later Schneider states that Thoreau went to Harvard College and graduated in the top of his class. However, he had to graduate early because he was very ill and not financially able to continue. Thoreau worked at many places throughout the years. He taught at a school, worked at his family’s pencil factory, and opened a school with his brother (Schneider). He even worked as a land surveyor (Witherell and Dubrulle). Thoreau was friends with a great transcendentalist writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau spent two years living at a place called Walden Pond, which was property of Emerson (“Henry David Thoreau” As stated in the biography, “Henry David Thoreau,” “He experimented with working as little as possible rather than engage in the pattern of six days on with one day off.” This may seem like a lazy way of living, but to Thoreau it was something more. “He felt that this new approach helped him avoid the misery he saw around him” (“Henry David”). The hardship that Thoreau was feeling from the world was the public. The public admired technology and did not appreciate nature like he did. Henry

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