
Transcendentalism: The Philosophy Of The Mind Essay example

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Transcendentalism: The Philosophy of the Mind

Transcendentalism is the view that the basic truth of the universe lies beyond the knowledge obtained from the senses, a knowledge that transcendentalists regard as the mere appearance of things (Adventures 162).
Transcendentalists believe the mind is where ideas are formed. The transcendentalist ideas of God, man, and the universe were not all original, but were a combination of other philosophies and religions.
One of the major questions of philosophy is "What is the nature of the universe?" Immanuel Kant was one of the major Transcendentalists of his time.
One of the major questions he asked was, "What is …show more content…

Kant also made the point that an act desired of everyone would be a good act, or if the act is performed with good intentions it is good no matter if it brings pain. He also said human life is only possible on this moral basis (Frost 95).
Is there a God? This question has been around for hundreds of years.
Many transcendentalists think they have answered it. Kant said there must be a
God who is wise, good, and powerful to join happiness and goodness. He thought the idea of God was necessary to serve as a foundation for moral life (Frost
132). The transcendentalists explain that when God made the world, he found it good, and when the transcendentalists assumed the Creator's place, they followed his example (Santayana 121). Other transcendentalists believe the unseen part of the universe dwells in God (Halverson 429). Theodore Parker was nicknamed the Savonarola of transcendentalism, by Emerson, because he denied the necessity of biblical inspiration and miracles in life (Edwards 479).
Transcendentalists firmly believe that the mind is superior to matter.
According to Kant, there are intuitions of the mind itself not based upon experience, but through which experience is acquired. Kant called these
"transcendental forms"(Edwards 480). Transcendentalists believe the mind is the only source of knowledge, but Kant said there is a

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