
Transformation In The Chrysalids

Satisfactory Essays

Qualities and Characteristics of the Hero/Heroine in Literature:
Transformation and Experience John Wyndham’s protagonist, David Strorm, in The Chrysalids, transforms into a hero as he journeys through his life in a quest to find the place where he will be accepted for his deviations. In The Chrysalids conflict moves the plot through the story. As much of the conflict is perceived to be man vs. man, it is really man vs. society. The Sealand woman taking David, Rosalind and Petra out of the battle between the Fringe people and the Waknuk people, has removed them from the norms and the danger in the outside world. David will no longer have to have an internal battle with himself to hide who he is. He will no longer have to live in fear of discovery. …show more content…

He transforms from a Waknuk society member to a person who is leading an escape and battle against his former society. David has known about his telepathy for a long time, which is considered a deviation in Waknuk. He transforms into someone who is in full control of his powers and understands his telepathy for what it is. In the eyes of the Waknuk society, David is changed from normal to deviant. He then is not accepted for who he is and must run away to another land. He envisions this land as a magical place that he sees in his dreams. Instead he comes to dark, evil place called the Fringes. This is a form of transformation for David as he realizes that the world isn’t really a safe place. It is a place filled with deviations and mutants. As David journeys through his life, he becomes a trustworthy and protective person. An early example of this, is when he found out that Sophie has six toes. Instead of reporting the genetic mutation, David decided to protect Sophie's secret to keep her safe. The fact that he kept this secret reveals the change and transformation in David's overall character. He goes from being a young boy who does what he is told, to being a rebel leader for the deviant …show more content…

Different conflict events lead up to the climax of the Fringe people battling the Waknuk people. The consequences of the battle are the supernatural forces, which are the Sealanders, arriving to save the Shape Thinkers and destroy the ones who try to harm them. The man vs. society conflict throughout the story transforms David into a hero. He has to fight against his society of Waknuk, to save the people he cares about most. When Petra is born, David realizes that he has to worry about someone other than himself. Petra is a telepath, and David feels the responsibility of making sure no one else finds out about her. Since her forces are so strong, David feels he has a duty to protect the other telepaths from her. This behavior represents a hero, in the way that David is protecting someone, and making sure she is safe. Just like a common Prince Charming in literature, who feels the obligation and need to keep someone

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