
400kv Essay

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There has been steep increase in Power demand in recent years in India during the recent years which forces utilities and IPP’s to operate more or less their full capacities. The demand in Electricity is mainly subjugated by Industrial Sector followed by residential, commercial, agriculture and transport sector (recently with introduction of Metros in cities). With increase in Generating capacity, India’s transmission network also requires parallel growth to cope up with this demand. However, there are environmental and economic constraints to build new generating plants and further evacuation by transmission lines due to ROW (Right of Way) constraints. The locations of generating stations are largely determined by regulatory …show more content…

The proposed scheme requires no modification and down-time. The flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) concepts, based on applying state-of-the-art power electronic technology to existing AC transmission system, improve stability to achieve power transmission close to its thermal limit [4]. Such devices are installed by utilities and by many private entities in India. In order to achieve this identical goal other way is by converting existing 400kV / 765 kV double circuit HVAC line to HVDC line without any modifications in the existing tower structure, insulators and conductors considering heavy pollution as the worst case. In India, 400kV Double circuit Transmission line is predominant with Twin Moose / Quad Moose configuration. Similarly 765kV Double circuit Transmission line with Hexa zebra conductor configuration is predominant taking care of bulk power Transfer from remote generating stations and connecting various regional grids. However these lines are under utilized due to stability constraints. Clerici [1] suggested conversion of existing AC line to HVDC line with some modification in the tower structure cross arm and conductor stringing is required once again after modification. This requires certain amount of shut down time and alternate feeders are required to be identified to feed the existing load. This paper proposes literally no modification in existing tower structure, insulators and

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