
Transportation Security Administration:Prior to and Post 9/11

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According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics a total of 631,939,829 passengers boarded domestic flights in the United States in the year 2010. This averages to 1.73 million passengers flying per day (Cessoni.) All of these people must go through security checkpoints provided by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA.) TSA’s history, cost, and specific purpose are ideas I will discuss further. Prior to 9/11, commercial airport security was minimal. The most an individual had to do was remove the coin change in their pockets or maybe even taking off belts that had particularly large buckles and walking through a metal detector. Not today. Now there are full body scanners at some airports. Twelve years ago, non-ticketed visitors could escort their loved ones departing to airline gates. No today. Security prior 9/11 was what I would say is lackadaisical. There was a point in time where pilots would fly with the cockpit doors open, and they would even invite younger children to the cockpit to take a glimpse at the controls. Not today. Currently, the cock pit door stays closed, usually with a flight attendant standing guard in front of it. Prior to 9/11, you only had to show ID when you were checking in and only two questions were asked: Did you pack your own bags? Have your bags been seen outside your control? No today. Now all luggage, carry ons included, are searched by TSA agents. Today, on every flight, there are at least one to two officers disguised for

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