
Trauma In Veterans

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Fighting for your country is hard enough without returning home to face another battlefield, an invisible internal struggle with being home. According to research done by Dr. Patel, almost half of the veterans returning home that were in active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming back with invisible mental wounds that we are still attempting to understand. (Patel, 2015) Many face continuous struggles to reintegrate themselves back into society due to the conditions they are trained under. Understanding the impacts of trauma, more support for caregivers, and a hands on, positive approach to the hidden mental illnesses, society will be better prepared to help veterans transition back to civilian life. Post-traumatic stress disorder is not a new concept to the military. Identified in 1945 as “war neuroses” (Grinker & Spielgel, 1945) PTSD, as most psychologists refer to this disorder as, is a common occurs to military personnel stationed within the battle lines. This condition can include having nightmares, flashbacks, mood swings and much more. (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015) The problem that most returning Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi freedom veterans are facing is …show more content…

(Patel, 2015) This creates more problems for not just the veteran themselves, but for the whole community. Some veterans returning home cannot even operate a vehicle themselves due to mental stress. According to the method formed by Viktor Frankl, a Nazi concentration camp survivor, if the veterans could change the negative effects from their experiences into a positive outlook then maybe healing can begin long before returning home (Osran, Smee, Sreenivasan, Weinberger, 2010) Using spiritual motivation accompanied by positive therapies, veterans might be able to transition more smoothly back into

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