
Treachery In Lamb To The Slaughter

Decent Essays

A person’s wrath can uncover this whole new side of you that can turn you into a wicked person. Author, Roald Dahl, in his short story, Lamb to the Slaughter, depicts the betrayal and disloyalty in the short story. Dahl’s purpose is to show that a person’s temper can get to the best of you. He adopts a volatile tone in order to portray the actions that can be caused by anger or rage in his general audience. Through the characters situation, Dahl conveys to the audience that treachery contributes to this literary work as a whole. The peaceful, happy tone in the beginning quickly changes as Mary is told something no women would ever want to hear. Patrick had some unpleasant news to tell Mary and she didn’t know what was to come, so she tried making him dinner to please him. He had Mary stop attempting to make him dinner so she could listen to him. Although it didn’t mention in the story what he told her, it can be inferred that he told her that he cheated on her or that he wants a divorce. She watched him with “horror” as she was processing what he had said. She tried to imagine as if she didn’t hear him so it wouldn’t become her reality. The only person she ever loved and wanted to please more than anything betrayed and backstabbed her. …show more content…

She went downstairs to get the lamb she was still going to prepare for dinner despite the horrible news she just received from Patrick. Her anger and frustration were building up inside of her as she went back upstairs. Her thoughts quickly turned into actions as she “swung” the lamb she was holding as hard as she can and hit him in the back of his neck killing him instantly. After realizing what she had done could land her in jail she didn’t want to take any “chances”. Her tranquility to killing her husband shows how she didn’t regret killing him, but now only cares for the concern of herself and her unborn

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