
Treaty Of Versailles Research Paper

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The Treaty of Versailles:
After the devastation and loss of the First World War, George Clemenceau (the Prime Minister of France), Woodrow Wilson (the President of America) and David Lloyd George (the Prime Minister of Britain) worked together to construct a treaty that would prompt cooperation between all nations to supposedly ensure freedom and prosperity. The British, French and American public wanted Germany to pay reparations because they blamed them for starting the war and the devastating amount of death and destruction it caused. So, as to cater for the public’s expectations, ‘the Big Three’ created a treaty that controlled Germany’s military forces, territory and colonies, reparations and war guilt. This treaty was named ‘The Treaty of Versailles’, after where it was signed, and was based on the Covenant of The League of Nations.
This treaty had particularly harsh terms and was imposed on the German people. The German surrender was unconditional.
Unfortunately Germany’s public bitterly resented the ‘War Guilt clause’, feeling that it was unjust and a betrayal, especially since many of their soldiers were still at wars end on foreign soil.
So when the treaty, along with the ‘War Guilt Clause’, was signed on the 18th of June 1919, many …show more content…

Unfortunately, by giving away most of their profit and produce, and paying for a war they lost, Germany wasn’t left in a good position to deal with the global economic down-turn that was the Great Depression. Workers were being underpaid which lead to strikes, causing civil and international uproar. In an attempt to offset social unrest, the German government printed additional currency. Hoping to settle the protesting and meet payment requirements. This solution was impractical and short-lived as it caused hyperinflation and effectively ruined Germany’s

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