
Truman Vs. Truman

Good Essays

Harry Truman brings the Democratic vice presidential candidates month longer barnstorming tour to an end in his home state of Missouri. The war has gotten more attention than Truman's speeches and rallies. The Japanese now have the Kamikaze, which are suicide pilots that drop out of the sky to sink American ships by deliberately flying their planes into the hulls. Truman is confident of victory. America loves Franklin D. Roosevelt. Their support for him is very strong. However, America knows nothing about Truman, who was an artillery officer in France During World War I. The “bikko”, as the Japanese have nicknamed America’s most powerful aircraft, drops B-29 bombs on Tokyo. The residents of Tokyo race for shelter. These American aircrafts …show more content…

He authorized the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan after conferring with his military advisors and with Winston Churchill in Potsdam. He felt that an invasion would cost too many lives. He has decided that Hiroshima will be attacked first because it is one of the nation's largest military supply depots. He said “...we will issue a warning statement asking the Japs to surrender and save lives”(O’Reilly 139 ). Truman then informs Joseph Stalin during a summit meeting at the Cecilienhof Palace about the atomic bomb, but he already knows because of spies inside the Los Alamos research facility. Joseph Stalin is now worried that this new weapon will shift the balance of power in favor of the Americans. General Curtis LeMay orders unarmed 500 pound canisters to be dropped over Hiroshima. Hundreds of thousands of “LeMay bombing leaflets” are released, warning civilians to “evacuate at once!”. A week before at the Potsdam Conference, President Harry Truman issued a warning that if Japan did not surrender, it would face “prompt and utter destruction”. In Tokyo, Emperor Hirohito was not concerned. He and Japanese Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki believe time is on their side and they will continue the fight until the …show more content…

Groves was appointed to supervise every aspect of the atomic bomb. It was called the “Manhattan Project”, and was conducted in the utmost secrecy. On March 15th, 1945 at the request of General Leslie Groves, Americans dropped nearly 1,300 tons of high explosive bombs on the German thorium ore processing plant at Oranienburg. The above-ground parts of the plant were destroyed and Germans had to stop atomic bomb research.
Saipan is 1 of 3 islands of the Marianas. More than 500 ships bearing 128,000 men converged on the Marianas. The Japanese risked all to save the island, but American Task Force 58 found enemy warships and destroyed them. The United States carrier pilots were shooting Japanese airmen out of the skies in a battle. It was so one-sided that they called it the “Marianas Turkey Shoot”. After 2 days, Japan lost hundreds of planes and only had 35 operational carrier aircrafts. Many ships sunk or were damaged and 130 planes and 76 air crewmen were lost. Japanese casualties far outweighed those of the United

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