
Truman 's Decision On The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb

Decent Essays

Aldrin Ubaldo HIS 218-03 Atomic Bomb Paper Presidents Harry Truman’s decision on the dropping of the atomic bomb was the best decision he could make because having another land invasion similar to D-Day of June 1944 would risk more resources and soldiers’ lives on either side. Paul Fussell article states that in PFC E. B. Sledge memoir With the Old Breed at Pelieu and Okinawa. As the U.S military fights closely to the mainland of Japan, the fighting in the surrounding islands in Iwo Jima and Okinawa was getting more vicious than in previous fights and that having a new land invasion would be a “ghastly bloodletting” and would shock the American public and the world ( Fussell, pg. 16). The Japanese were ruthless fighters and would never give up and would die for their country. It was said that every Japanese soldier, woman and children would fight from coast to coast (Fussell pg. 17). The Japanese code bushido meaning “the way of the warrior” meant that surrendering was absolutely dishonorable to the Emperor and the country and most soldiers would prefer to take their own lives rather than surrender to the enemy (Correll Enola Gay). The Japanese were prepared to take as much casualties as possible with an estimation of commitment of 2.3 million troops (Correll Enola Gay). Yes the atomic bomb would kill thousands of civilians but these civilians may have been trained to commit suicide runs against the allies if an invasion was put through (Fussell pg. 17). With the

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