
Trust Income Tax Return

Decent Essays

Preparation of Trust Income Tax Returns- Why you need to know Fiduciary Accounting Income and required to prepare Trust Income Tax Returns
Some accountants are confused or are unaware of the need to prepare work-papers in order to prepare a proper, accurate and complete Trust Income Tax Return.
Fiduciary accounting income is trust income calculated on the provisions of the trust document and applicable state Uniform and Principal and Income Act (The 1997 Uniform Principal and Income Act is a common one)) Fiduciary accounting income determines the financial interests of the income and remainder beneficiaries of the trust by classifying income, receipts and disbursements as principal or income. The income may be distributed currently or …show more content…

It differs from taxable income, gross income, and distributable income; these are tax concepts. For example capital gains are taxable income but not fiduciary accounting income.
The trust usually pays out current income to 1 or more beneficiaries, while preserving trust assets for other beneficiaries (remainder beneficiaries).
The creator of a trust has some flexibility regarding the classification of principal and income, and can use the flexibility in paying out distributions to income and remainder beneficiaries.
The Fiduciary Accounting Income and Taxable Income interactions …show more content…

If DNI exceeds fiduciary accounting income, current distributions in excess of fiduciary accounting income, even though charged to principal for fiduciary accounting purposes, may carry out taxable income to the beneficiary of the trust. When DNI exceeds income, the trust may be taxed on the excess, even though the trust distributed all its fiduciary accounting income. If DNI is less than fiduciary accounting income, a portion of the distributions may be tax-free to the beneficiary.
When the trust document may distribute all or a portion of the income to be distributed currently, the income reference is the fiduciary accounting income, not the taxable income. The trust is entitled to an income tax deduction for distributions to beneficiaries subject to limitations. Thus, the fiduciary accounting income impacts the income distribution, and accordingly an integral role in determining the amount of income to be reported by the beneficiary on his or her income tax return.
Distributable Net Income (DNI) is calculated as follows:
Taxable Income
+ Income distribution deduction
+ Exemption

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