
Truth In The Crucible

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Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” is a play to show the reality of what life was like, morally and religiously, back in the late 17th century. The setting of the play is in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, which was a time of blame, fear, cowardice, and courage as it is the time of the ‘Salem Witch Trials.’ The play shows the impact of the differences and accusations in society just for personal gain as it contains truth and the absence of it, a weak behavior in people, and the courage that one has to stand up for people and trying to save their name. “The Crucible” is full of truth, courage, and essentially weakness. The reality of what life was in the 17th century was not a pretty one for girls as they had no say in anything. Truth and the …show more content…

Many characters display acts of courage but John Proctor stands out. Throughout the whole story, John Proctor was a character who struggled with his emotions, especially with his wife, who caught him in an affair with Abigail Williams. Most people wouldn't have the courage to speak out and say what he believes, but not John Proctor. He speaks out against Reverend Parris, even though no one else would dare do the same for fear of him, he confessed to the affair with Abigail to save Elizabeth’s life when she was accused of witchcraft, and was also accused of being with the devil by Mary Warren: “You’re the Devil’s Man!” (Line 1108, Page 194, Act 3). He really shows his courage when he had to make a life or death decision: confess and live or tell the truth and die. He was going to confess, but then Danforth was going to have Proctor sign a confession, but then he argued with Danforth saying, “ I have confessed myself! Is there no good penitence but it be in public? God does not need my name nailed upon the church! God sees my name; God knows how black my sins are!” (Lines 694-697, Page 207, Act 4) When asked why he wouldn’t do it when they “needed legal proof”, he replied, “Because it is my name,… Because I cannot have another in my life… How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul and leave my name!” (Lines …show more content…

Rev. Parris is a good example because of how he would rather blame the girls’ behavior on foolishness, than think it was a problem with Salem’s lifestyle or witchcraft and it shows that he was too weak to consider any other alternative, “I’ll lead them in a psalm, but let you say nothing of witchcraft yet. I will not discuss it. This cause is yet unknown. I have had enough contention since I came; I want no more.” (Lines 277-280, Page 142, Act 1) With Parris being the biggest religious authority, he won’t go against anything other than that. Now with John Proctor, all of his weaknesses focus around one thing: the affair. His emotions are caged in because he made the biggest mistake and that was sleeping with Abigail which ruined his self-image but he goes and ties to regain it back. He showed his weakness by turning his back on and betraying Elizabeth when she was sick. And finally, Abigail Williams is the prime example of one to have weakness, but hers was worse as it led to characters downfall, including her beloved John Proctor. She was a girl who was wanting another woman’s husband all because of the affair they had. Her weakness and failure to accept that John was with Elizabeth resulted in endless accusations and false charges and the deaths of many people. “The girl, the Williams girl, Abigail

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