
Truth and Fiction in O'Brien's 'The Things They Carried'

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Truth and Fiction in Obrien's "The Things They Carried" The Viet Nam War has been the most reviled conflict in United States history for many reasons, but it has produced some great literature. For some reason the emotion and depredation of war kindle in some people the ability to express themselves in a way that they may not have been able to do otherwise. Movies of the time period are great, but they are not able to elicit, seeing the extremely limited time crunch, the same images and charge that a well-written book can. In writing of this war, Tim O'Brien put himself and his memories in the forefront of the experiences his characters go through, and his writing is better for it. He produced a great work of art not only because he experienced the war first hand, but because he is able to convey the lives around him in such vivid detail. He writes a group of fictional works that have a great deal of truth mixed in with them. This style of writing and certain aspects of the book are the topics of this reflective paper. It is evident from the first that O'Brien is writing about himself. It is difficult to confuse since he uses his own name, his own place of birth and other true details of his own life to form the narrator of the stories. The truth of the stories is a grounds for understanding the credibility of the author. He is trying to make the reader understand that these are not just random stories that he dreamed up while sitting in front of a type writer or

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