
Tsar Nicholas II Research Paper

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How far did World War One contribute to the fall of Tsar Nicholas in 1917?

Tsar Nicholas II was the last Tsar of Russia, ruling from November 1 1894, to his forced abdication in 1917. There are many factors contributing to his downfall, with World War One being one of the greatest. The Russian army was not well prepared enough for war; the Tsar took the role of commander in chief despite being incapable, and during war: Russian cities suffered from a shortage of food.

Tsar Nicholas II took over as commander in chief during World War I, replacing Grand Duke Nicholas after the great retreat of the Russian army. This was a huge mistake on his part as it meant that all blame for anything that went wrong was directly placed on him. He was already …show more content…

This was because they had no materials for shelter, a shortage of food and medical services, and they were in bad fighting conditions. Of the 6,553,000 men in the army in December1914, only 4,652,000 had rifles. Untrained troops had to enter the battle without sufficient arms or ammunition. Furthermore, it was reported that 100,000 new rifles were needed each month but Russian factories could not even produce half of this. Wounded soldiers often had to go five days before they were attended to, as neither wagons, horses, first aid, nor any other organisations were allowed to go the forward areas. Freight trains came to Moscow with the wounded often without clothing, badly hurt and unfed, yet nurses were not allowed to help. Almost 15 million soldiers served in the Russian army during the First World War, with an estimated 1.8 million killed, 2.8 million wounded and 2.4 million taken as prisoners. Morale of the army declined noticeably, due to these shortages, bad transport systems and bad news at the front. Hence, he no longer had the support of the army – one of his main supporters, and this helped lead to the collapse of the Tsar because he was not prepared for

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