
Tsunami Of Tsunami : Tsunami Essay

Decent Essays

2.0 TSUNAMI GENERATION A tsunami is a large and high ocean wave that is caused by the changes in the flow and surge of the ocean. Tsunami waves will travel at high speed across the open ocean and it will build into a large deadly waves in the shallow water, especially when it approach the shore. Tsunami can also be derived from the sudden motion on the ocean floor. The sudden movement on the ocean floor are due to the seaquakes which can be defined as the earthquakes under the seafloor; landslides on the seafloor; large volcanic eruptions; and a large meteor impact on the ocean. There are four stages involved during the occurrence of tsunami. They are the tsunami generation stage, propagation, shoaling and inundation stage. 2.1 TSUNAMI GENERATED BY SEAQUAKES Tsunami generated by the seaquakes (earthquakes under the seafloor) generally take place at the subduction zone of the ocean. The subduction zone is the boundary between tectonic plates, where by an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle by tectonic plate’s force which is also known as the lithosphere plate force. The collision between the subduction and tectonic plate will potentially generates tsunami. Tsunami taking place on the subduction zone will create a movement of the seafloor. The seafloor movement will occur when it is being sitted on the block of the earth’s crust that will shift up and down when the quake happens. Generally, it will take a minimum of Magnitude 7.5 earth quake to

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