
Tuck Everlasting Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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Natalie Babbitt's Novel and and Jay Ressels movie share the name Tuck Everlasting and have many similarities and differences. Both the movie and book is about a girl named Winnie Foster who gets kidnapped and discover an amazing secret. Tuck Everlasting is a highly praised book so highly praised in fact that they made a movie,starring Alexis Bledel and Ben kingsley. How does the movie differ from the novel and how are the two similar? The book and the movie have many things in common. For one thing throughout the whole of the movie and the book the characters stay the same( although mae tuck a bit less round( p.g. 10)and miles a bit more mean) The setting is still the same and in the same time frame. The man in the yellow suit is also dressed the in the same fashion( p.g. 17). Also Mae still hits the man in the yellow suit over the head with the shotgun( p.g. 100). Winnie still …show more content…

For example in the book Winnie is only 10 but in the movie she was older(p.g.28). In addition the prologue in the move was a flash forward to jesse in the future, but the prologue in the book ( p, g, 3)was saying that 3 things were going to happen. Also only Jesse and Miles kidnap Winnie in the movie but Mae is also there. Furthermore, only Jesse is telling Winnie the story in the movie, but in the book mae and miles also help tell the story( p. g.37). Similarly the man in the yellow suit has, in the movie been following Jesse and Miles for some time, While in the book the man in the yellow suit has not found the tucks until he follows winnie when she is getting kidnapped (p. g.33). Another example of this is when in the book mae goes to jail( p. g. 103), in the movie tuck goes to jail with her. In addition the man in the yellow suit shoots jesse, and in the book no one is shot or even holding a gun expect the constable and mae. Also in the movie jesse and winnie kiss a lot, in the book nothing like that

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