
Tuskegee Model Case For Unethical Research Practices

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In the case of the Public Health Service (PHS) experimenting on inmates at the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary for prophylaxis in gonorrhea, it was clear that the study was abandoned at a critical stage in its develop where a line would have been crossed, exposing and crossing moral/ethical boundaries set about in countries such as the U.S. as far as research on human beings is concerned. The decision to continue the same research beyond boarders and use subjects from a Guatemalan National Penitentiary with the mere consent of their supervisors and not from the subjects themselves, along with the differences in human rights policy in this nation, ultimately allowed the study to be undergone with less regulation, whereby human rights to justice …show more content…

This case is similar in particular withholding potential treatment from a group of underserved individuals to advance medical research. Following issues brought about with. Finally, the question of third world involvement and the practice of clinical research in countries that have differing regulations and expectations concerning human subject involvement need to be considered as some places are culturally different and although it may be said that there should be international standards regarding human rights, it could also be argued that this would be a disregarding action taken to undermine and disrespect a cultural preference that is not our own as a more authoritative actor in all of …show more content…

Ultimately, the investigators are responsible for the well-being of the patients and that only when there is no effective treatment know, it is ethical to compare a potential new treatment with a placebo, however, when effective treatment is known, the the control group must be given the best treatment. In this case, an effective treatment was in fact known (penicillin), however, as it was not standard procedure to treat in prisons and was not given to the control group. Meanwhile, those who were seen to have the illness outside of this study in both Guatemala and the U.S. were treated with penicillin. Clearly, violating the investigator’s state of equipoise and the human rights of the subjects. All of this can be summed up with a point made saying: “a problem inherent in research that must be balance and rights of individuals and the group benefit is not social good but global good,” (EHC,

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