
Tv Show Waking It Analysis

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Critical Analysis of the Television Show Faking It
There is a general representation in the media of individuals of different genders, sexual orientation, and race that gives the audience a certain image of said group of individuals. Certain stereotypes have been engrained in our minds due to media which may reinforce certain issues such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. This essay gives an intersectional analysis on how the episode “Three to Tango” of the television show Faking It tries to represent diverse voices and identities but still falls under societal pressures of normalcy. First, I will introduce the articles that will be used as theoretical lenses which are Tricia Jenkins’ “’Potential Lesbians at Two O’clock’: The Heterosexualization of Lesbianism in the Recent Teen Film”, Kathleen Battles and Wendy Hilton-Morrow’s “Gay Characters in Conventional Spaces; Will and Grace and the Situation Comedy Genre”, Tony Coles’ “Negotiation the Field of Masculinity: The Production and Reproduction for Multiple Dominant Masculinities”, Laura Mulvey’s “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, and Stuart Hall’s “The White of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media.” These theories will be applied through sexuality to argue that, although …show more content…

In this episode, there are two male characters, Pablo and Shane, who are can be argued to lack masculinity (“Three to Tango”). This is shown through the fact that they have been the characters chosen to be involved in a dancing competition. This gives the audience the idea that their sexual orientation is an influential reason as to why they have been selected to play in this part of the episode. Visibility isn’t necessarily positive, if it feeds to the general stereotypes that society presents (Battles and Hilton-Morrow

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