
Two Kinds Amy Tan Dialogue Essay

Satisfactory Essays

As Nhat Hanh, “In true dialogue,both sides are willing to change.” By using Dialogue,The

author is able to create character development,advance the plot and gives us a point of view

from other characters in the story by using this technique.In the story “Two Kinds” author Amy Tan

uses dialogue to develop and advance characters,plot,mood,setting and conflict in the story.

Probably the most import part of Two Kinds is the Dialogue in the story,Throughout the story the

Author Amy Tan uses dialogue to voice the arguments and conversations the narrator of the story and

her mother Have with each other,Certain details in dialogue such as this example: ““I'm not going to

play anymore” I said nonchalantly “Why should I?,I'm not a genius”” …show more content…

Because you not trying” gives the view

of how the mother view’s her daughters work effort and progress which voices in large part the main

conflict in the story.

The Author also uses Dialogue in another important way,Character Development. Throughout

The short story minor characters have a major influence in shaping the conflict and plot of the

Story,but the first and most important part that shapes the influence of minor characters is character

Development. This Example in the text: ““She bring home to many trophy,” lamented auntie Lindo that
Sunday. “All day she play chess. All day I have no time to do nothing but dust off her winnings.”” gives

Character development in for one of the narrators friends Waverly,who plays only a minor role in the

story,but because of her mother giving off her story of success and character details she ends up

giving a powerful influence on her mother who ends up pushing her daughter(the narrator) to learn

and master the piano,which is the main conflict/Plot throughout the story.

By using dialogue,the Author is able to develop her characters,plot, mood And conflict

throughout the short story,The reader is able understand such things easier with the use of

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