
Types Of Major Depressive Disorder

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Depression in Inmates
Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that can be found among many Americans, reaching roughly three percent of adults and eleven percent of adolescents living in the United States. Other forms of less severe depression affect about ten percent of adult Americans. Women are more likely to be affected by this disorder than men, and women in their 30’s are also more likely to be affected than women of any other age group. In the criminal justice world, many adults who are put in prison or commit violent crimes suffer from a mental illness. Prison conditions aren’t like staying in a five star hotel by any means. Contact with people outside the prison is dependent on behavior of inmates, and the cells only meet the …show more content…

When doing some background research, the researchers discussed that higher punishment for juveniles is becoming more common, for example the placement of a juvenile in an adult prison setting. Before beginning their research they also looked at the factor that the subjects of this study might not have incarceration-induced depression, as they could have experienced symptoms of depression before being brought into the system. The research included four types of subjects: youths incarcerated for serious offences in adult facilities; youths incarcerated for serious offences in juvenile facilities; youths incarcerated for less serious offences and non-incarcerated and non-offending youths. From their research they were able to conclude that incarcerated youths were 20 times more likely to develop depression than those of any other category.
During a study in 2000, researchers did two Beck Depression Inventories, first when the subject was brought into the prison setting and then again later after they had been in custody for a while. They also did BDIs on subjects who were in different levels of custody, to determine if the strictness of the custody that the inmates are in, is a factor of their depression. They took a sample of subjects from a variety of prisons in North Carolina. The participants ranged from the ages of 16 to 65, although the mean age was 29 years old. The level of education completed, also ranged from low education to higher levels of education.

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