
Tyranny Dbq

Decent Essays

Currently, only 7 countries have tyranny in their government. The US government wanted to be excluded and prevent that. The Articles of Confederation wasn’t working out for our new government. For that reason they didn’t know how to build a strong government for the new nation without any kind of tyranny. Tyranny is when one person or a group of people have much more power compared to the other person/group. The Constitution protects against tyranny in four ways including federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and The Great Compromise The first way the Constitution guards against tyranny is federalism. Federalism is the principle that splits power between the state and national government. In document A, James Madison argued that federalism provides “double security” where each level “will control each other” and also “be controlled by itself”. This means that federalism assigns specific powers to each level of government and out lines what they can and cannot do. For example, the national government can create the post office while states have the power to hold elections. The US Constitution uses federalism to prevent the levels of government from getting too much power. …show more content…

Separation of powers is when the powers split into three branches of government. In document B, James Madison claims that “Liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct.” This means that each branch of government should be different and should be doing their own jobs. For example, all legislative powers shall be “vested” in the US congress. The executive power shall be “vested” in a president of the US. The judicial power shall be “vested” in the one Supreme Court. The US Constitution uses separation of powers to prevent all that power in the hands of one

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