
Uncle Tom 's Children : The Mother Of All Nations

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Women: the mother of all nations, the true rulers of the world, the love of all mankind, and the spiritual troopers to all the soldiers. The essence of every woman is to help raise and nurture mankind. A women is the backbone to every man, child, and women. When you fall down, she picks you up, dusts you off, and sends you back on your way, hopefully on the right path. It’s best to trust a women’s intuition because she will one day become a mother and a mother is always right; it is the knowledge the Lord sent her on the Earth with. Even though, the women characters are not the stars of Uncle Tom’s Children or A Lesson before Dying, they still had a major impact on the main character(s) spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. In Uncle …show more content…

It’s hard to give up fully on ways you have been grown up on and depended on for so many years. I believe that is what makes it easy for her to trust and believe in the communism movement and sacrifice her life for it. The fact that she was able to allow her son to be harmed and killed in order to protect it uplifts the role of the women. Sue’s last words after they shot her were, “Yuh didn’t git whut yuh wanted! N yuh ain gonna nevah git it! Yuh didn’t kill me; Ah come here by mahsef…” (263). Sue’s last words show her devotion to the revolution and the faith she put into it. Women are much stronger than portrayed in most books of this time and Uncle Tom’s Children, not only displays the stronger side of the women but the motherly portion as well. The story Long Black Song, displays the suffering of a black woman. Even though, a woman is strong sometimes the world takes advantage of her making her feel down and hopeless. Sarah came to a point in this story, where she knew she couldn’t do anything else so she had to deal and suffer with the circumstances given to her. It takes a lot of inner strength and will for a woman to let go of an individual, especially when they have been good to her. Sarah lost her first love, Tom to fighting racist and segregated America’s problems in war. Then she lost her second lover, Silas, in an unfortunate situation from the selfishness of a white man. She

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