
Unconditional Love In Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven'

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There are 7.5 billion people in the world. Among them, there has to be someone that has experienced an unconditional love that drives them to act in a way that might be insane. If you can’t think of anyone and say “Nope, there is no one”, start racking your brain for fictional characters who might possess these qualities. Edgar Allan Poe’s unnamed narrator of “The Raven” fits this description. This man lives his life in despair, and misery because his beloved Lenore has passed. He has a sliver of hope that this creature that appears at his door will bring him back Lenore, causing this irrational thought through the poem, that only leads him to behave in a manner that solidifies his reality of being alone forever.
Right from the beginning we get a clue to a couple of things, the first being the tone, or mood of the poem. “Once a upon a midnight dreary…” (Poe 1127), and “...I remember it was the bleak December, and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” (Poe 1127). These particular quotes pulled from the text give us, as readers, a good insight of the atmosphere the narrator is in. It was so important for Poe to let his audience envision this setting in such detail, because before we even got a chance to figure out what was occurring, we already have an idea of what mood the narrator is in.
The second thing that can be observed right from the start of the poem was that the narrator could be described as a scholarly man. Poe wrote, “.... while I

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