
Underage Drinking On College Campuses

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Underage Drinking on College Campuses Everyday there are young adults drinking underage around the United states on and off college campuses. Even with a national drinking age and laws that govern that drinking age, young adults are still drinking. Many universities across the nation have tried to eliminate underage drinking, by creating a zero alcohol on campus policy. This policy pertains to all students whether of drinking age or not. The universities that create such policies are known to college students as a dry campus. The concept of a dry campus is to eliminate the access to alcohol to those students that are under age, drinking and driving, and binge drinking on campus. Campuses that are dry have the most restrictive alcohol …show more content…

Even with all the efforts to enforce an alcohol-free campus, the hard work has fallen to the waste side throughout the life span of the policy. To this very day, students continue to drink illegally in the dorms, in Greek houses on campus property, and in some cases openly around campus. The alcohol policy was put into place to protect the well-being of all concerned in the University community. The history of alcohol consumption at OU was the leading cause of the once wet campus to become dry. The movement to a dry campus began after the death of a freshmen pledge into the Greek system. The freshman had dead from alcohol poising after a night of binge drinking at a fraternity house. The death of the young man promoted leadership at OU to reevaluate the current alcohol policy. Per NBC News “Oklahoma University president David Boren says the one death on his campus was one too many.” (Williams 2004). In January 2005, the campus officially went to a dry campus, with a three-stick policy attached. Students would be given three alcohol policy violations before being expelled from the university (2016) . The leadership at OU had sold grounds for implementing the zero-alcohol policy. As rational as this policy was to implement, it hasn’t been as effective as the University was hoping for. Eliminating alcohol on campus is a far cry from the once wet campus. There is a middle ground that could have

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